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Understand my Database & Identify my challenges

Case Study: How to use User Overview in the Customer and Business Dashboards to understand my Database and identify my challenges?

Understand my Database?

In the Customer & Business Dashboard, you can follow your most important KPIs spread and the first tab is:

  • Users overview: this includes an overview of your users such as the number of users and the number of users who consent.

Before reading this case study, read this article about the Customer & Business Dashboard.

How is my Database evolving ?

Is my Database growing?

The first chart in the User Overview, is giving me the following informations :

  • I have 527 k Opt-in (Any channel) in my database today. It represents a growth of + 15,48% of y database vs last year.

  • In the User evolution, I observe that my best months for Acquisition of New users are June, November, December, and January with close to 8k New Users per month, while August, September, and October where my worst months last year with lower than 5k New Users

  • When I filter the view on "User registered since - Last 12 Months", I observe that I have a total of 67 k New users in my database in the last 12 months, so an average of 6,8k New Users per month

How is my database spread between Prospect & Clients ?

I would like to know the share of prospects / clients in my database and if I manage to convert well my new opt-in?

The chart 'Prospects and customers evolution' show you how the database is split between prospects and clients. You are also able to filter the view based on the registration length, which allows us to analyze the split on New users registered in the last 12 months.

  • On the global view, I see that an average of 50% of the database is a customer and 50% a prospect (Never buyers)

  • On the second view, filtered on New Users, I observe that the split is similar which means that 50% of New users in the Database did not make any purchases and are still prospects.

Who are my contacts ?

I would like to know more about the profile of my contacts?
  • On all my database, the average age of my contacts is 41 and 64% of my contacts are women, 3,4% are men but the data missing for 32% of users

  • New Users are a little younger with an average age of 38,8, and only 46% are women vs 4,2% of men but more data are missing on New users. Gender data is empty for 50% of the database


What challenges do I identify in my database?

With the different KPI's analyzed, I can say that :

  • My database did grow by 16% last year which is a good number considering the investment we made vs previous years

  • I have to deep dive to understand why my acquisition was lower in August, September and October when September is usually a good month

  • I have 50% of prospects in my database and on my New users, which led me to think that I should work on:

    • Optimizing my conversion strategy on New Contacts. You can find here an article that suggests strategies to do so

    • Reactivating / Activating my prospects as some of them have been in my database for a long time and never purchased. You can find here an article that suggests strategies to do so