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The Splio Mobile Wallets URLs are used for your distribution strategy, and serve two objectives:

  • Allow changes in the targeted URL without changing the deliverables already given to the users.

  • Give you an overview of distribution with a different tracking by channel

Mobile Wallet URL types

There are three types of URLs:

  • auto-registration-user-pass: the URL needs to contain all the necessary data to create the user and its Pass and then redirect him/her to add the Pass. This one is generally used for authenticated distribution channels, such as email, SMS, or website.

  • registration-form: the URL redirects towards a sign-in or sign-up form. Learn more about forms.

  • static-url: the URL redirects directly towards a destination (usually your website), adding tracking. This one is generally used for non-authenticated distribution channels, such as Social Media or Ads.

The URLs are the cornerstone of your distribution strategy. Splio teams can help create the right URLs to use. We recommend you add tracking parameters during the URL setup to enable you to measure the impact of your campaigns.

Mobile Wallet URL channels

There are several channels that you can use for your URLs: