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This article is your checklist to start distributing your Passes. It will give you an overview of a successful project using Mobile Wallets.

Finding out the project checklist

#1 Apple Wallet Certificate
Is my Pass Type ID certificate ready? - Learn more

#2 Data
Do I know what data will be needed for my Pass? - Learn more

#3 Organization & Project Setup
Is the design & content of my Pass ready? - Learn more

#4 Distribution strategy
Have I prepared my distribution strategy? - Learn more

#5 Distribution URLs
Are my distribution URLs ready? - Learn more

#6 Stores
Have I setup all my locations? - Learn more

#7 Scanners
Have I tested my scanners to read passes? - Learn more

#8 Experience
Have I checked the full end user experience?
You just need to test from the user perspective your first distribution channels. For example, if you are starting with a dedicated newsletter, you can send it internally.

#9 Communication
Are my customer facing teams aware of the new process and ready to promote the Pass? - Learn more

🚀 Launch
Splio has activated my project(s), I can now start distributing my Passes to end users!

Getting ready for the next steps

Once you have covered all of the above and started you distribution, you will be able to:

#1 Check the first KPIs on your dashboard and analyze - Learn more

#2 Extend distribution to additional channels and boost it - Learn more

#3 Launch your first campaigns