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A few recommendations when designing your Pass

In this guide, you will find some best practices when it comes to the design of your Pass based on our experience.

Here are our main recommendations. Your pass design should:

  • follow your brand guidelines

  • highlight the benefits of the Pass, through the header and the strip image - the header is key as this is what the user will see in the overall view of the Wallet.

For loyalty cards, we recommend highlighting the Loyalty balance and the offers in your header, like on the image.

Deciding on the settings

The name of the Pass

The name of your Pass is important as it will then be used in many different ways when your users will try and add their Pass (for example "Add your {name} card..."). 

The color codes

The colors of your Pass can be edited and dynamic. This means for example that you can set up different color codings depending on the Loyalty tier of the end-users.

The images 

There are three types of images that you will need to set up:

  • the logo

  • the icon (visible on the locked screen of the end-user's device)

  • the strip image (front of the pass). You can find detailed specifications on size, format as well as a .psd template in the platform.

The strip image you choose to use will be used by default for the Pass and also in the forms. If you set up an update campaign with a different strip image, it will replace the default one throughout the campaign duration. 

The barcode

You can select different types of barcodes in Settings > Projects > Pass > Barcode and your choice will depend mainly on how many characters must be read in the code and on your store scanner reading capabilities.

For example: 

  • code128 will be limited to 128 characters but will be readable with both 1D and 2D scanners

  • QR-code which can read 7089 characters will only be readable by Imager 2D types

Make sure that your codes can be read properly in stores, you can find some guidelines on display and print in our guide.

Related resources

More information on Google Wallet Passes design and creation here

👉 More information on Apple Wallet Passes design and creation here