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The birthday campaign

When creating your new birthday filter, go to Target > New Filter

Select a contact filter and in your custom fields conditions (if this is set up in your universe), select Birthdate.

When adding your condition, the operator next event anniversary allows you to return contacts who will celebrate an event a few days or weeks before (first image).

The ramp-up campaign

When creating your new ramp-up filter using a custom field go to Target >New filter select a contact filter.

👉 If you are migrating the data from your previous CRM, you will more likely rely on a custom field named “deliverability” or other, to save the history of your contacts before Splio (see first example "ina" for "inactive").

💡 You can also build your filter by mixing different criteria of activity (emails received, opening or both) while using the option of limiting the number of users in the top sort bar (as shown in image 2).

💡During your ramp-up phase, you may need to build a filter returning a high volume of contacts that you will use as a population for your split sending.

The reactivation campaign

When creating your new reactivation filter go to Target >New filter. Select the condition emails

You can use last click/open date to retrieve the inactive contacts on a punctual day in the past.

The loyalty points expiration campaign

When creating your points expiration filter go to Target >New filter

Select a contact filter and go to Conditions, select Loyalty and the conditionQ points expiration date

The Mobile Wallet Pass holder campaign

To create your filter go to Target > New filter

Select a contact filter and go to Custom field if you are using Mobile Wallets, the following field will be configured for you:Mobile wallet pass registration state