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Scale your predictive campaigns

Evergreen (or, “always-on”) campaigns are not tied to short-term events or promotions, but to longer-term goals or themes; think of them as fir trees, fresh throughout the year and not tied to a particular season. Recurrent campaigns are great for…

👉 Eliminating time spent on redundant tasks like manual campaign duplication and rescheduling; divert those resources to higher-impact work

👉 Building brand or product recognition; these campaigns allow you to reach a wider audience over time to increase brand or product awareness and affinity. These campaigns can showcase anything from brand history to customer favorites to client testimonials and more.

👉 Educating customers about products with long buying cycles

Here are some examples of concrete use cases that you could implement easily with Evergreen to achieve those goals :

  1. Reactivation campaigns

For example, you can set a monthly reactivation campaign to reactivate regularly your inactive contacts (e.g. No email open in the last 6 months). Instead of sending your reactivation campaigns to all your inactive users and risk deliverability issues, select with Predictive AI only the contacts who are the most likely to be reactivated today and set your campaign as evergreen, so you don't have to repeat your action next month!

  1. Personalize your cross-sell campaigns

Implementing a cross-sell strategy is a must-have in your CRM strategy. Using Evergreen you can personalized and automatized relevant cross-sell campaigns.

First, create a segment on Custom Audience Filter (CAF) to define the segment of contacts that would like to cross-sell. E.g.: Customers in the last 12 months on the category "Pants".

Then, identify with CAF Audience KPI's or with the Audience Mapper the 3 or 4 best categories to maximise cross-sell after a Pants purchase.

Afterward, create your campaigns, one per categories that you want to cross-sell.

Optimize your campaigns together with a pressure management rule of One campaign per contact and to conclude set-up the group as Evergreen and customize how often the campaigns will be sent.

  1. Create "nurturing journeys"

For some offers, you know you have to educate your audience and therefore to build a narrative, a story, to successfully convert your buyers in the long term.

This will be the case for product categories where the buyer needs time to mature their purchase decision. For example, furniture, a kitchen, a type of trip that one only takes once in a lifetime, etc.

For these types of offers, yoy may want to create more editorial communications. E.g : Highlight the manufacturing of your products, reassure about the quality of the products, story-tell your, brand, etc.

These types of content take longer to create but you will be able to use them for several months.

With Evergreen, create your campaign once and then automatize its sending, for example, once a month. This way, each month the most interested people in the subject selected by the AI will receive this communication, without any additional work for you.

  1. Update automaticaly your segments on Meta

If you use Predictive AI on Meta for look-a-like campaigns or for CRM campaigns, you may have campaigns with a lifetime of several weeks.

👉 For those kind od advertising campaigns, it will save you time to set-up your campaigns as Evergreen so the segments will be automatically update on Meta on a regular basis without any intervention on your side on the platform !