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Understanding IFR segmentation

IFR segmentation (Individual Frequency Recency) allows you to identify the purchase patterns of each one of your customers: are they early, on time, or late compared to their personal purchase pattern?

This particular segmentation is useful for developing targeted campaigns related to renewable products, as it allows you to anticipate repurchase periods. Tennis balls are a great example of renewable products, as players need to buy new ones regularly.

IFR segmentation was made in-house and still is to this day exclusive to the Splio CDP.

IFR segmentation is calculated on a daily and individual basis, using:

  • Frequency, meaning purchase regularity throughout the period, with a minimum of 5 purchases;

  • And recency, meaning the last purchase date.

Once the calculation is done, each customer is put into one of the five segments listed below:

  • s0 Not segmented

  • s1 Recent purchase

  • s2 Soon to be reached

  • s3 Overdue

  • s4 Significantly overdue