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An audience is a group of users that can be used:

  • as a target for your updates, notifications, and automated notifications

  • for analysis purposes: to view its users and their metrics

Several options are available

  • you can build an audience using a dynamic query

  • or a static list

Dynamic query

This option will enable you to use your users' data (gender, birthday, country, language, loyalty balance, downloaded passes...). In the drop-down menu, you will find a variety of options to choose from. Once selected, the type of data and operator (exists, contains, does not exist...) becomes a rule that can be combined with additional ones or not. 
This type of audience will evolve over time based on the rules you have set.

For example, if you wish to create an audience containing all your users who have a specific store linked in their Pass, you can use the field user – location equals one of.... as a rule.

For more advanced users, you can also use offers or users custom fields.

Please note that either way, you will be able to combine different rules by using the operators ALL and ANY.

You can also build an audience using a static list.

Static list

This option is mostly used when you want to match data from another source (e.g. RFM data on your users from your CRM provider) with your Pass holders in Splio Mobile Wallets. The static list will use a matching field (ExternalId, Email, or phone number) so that your audience will only include users from your CSV file who are already present in Splio Mobile Wallets.  

Alternatively, if you are using Splio as your CRM, you may want to use the static list option if you have extracted users from a filter of a Splio Marketing Automation campaign.