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In this guide, we have focused on the use of Forms within your distribution strategy.

As a general rule, we recommend that you focus all your efforts on your website when it comes to distributing and raising awareness of the Pass. Your Pass distribution is a very good opportunity to drive traffic to your website, boost e-commerce account creation (signup), and improve your overall technical architecture.

However, if this isn't possible, Splio Mobile Wallets enables you to create two types of Forms that can be utilized as a part of your distribution strategy: sign-in and sign-up forms.

Let's see what those are and some best practices when thinking about building your own form.

The sign-in form

This type of form is commonly used to enable Google Wallet and Lyf Pay in-app distribution.

Pre-requisites for sign-in forms
  • If you are using both Marketing Automation and Splio Mobile Wallets, all users being able to add their Pass to their mobile need to be in the Marketing Automation database

  • If you are using Splio Mobile Wallets without Marketing Automation, then the client database needs to be reachable by API (Read more about sign-in forms in the technical user guide)

Here are the most common sign-in strategies, which can be combined (using OR)

Client identification field

Result for adding the Pass


Send out of an SMS if the user has a mobile number, if not send out of an email 


Send out of an SMS if the user has a mobile number, if not send out of an email 

Card number AND last name

If the last name matches the one from the user found thanks to the number, then the Pass is displayed to the user for adding

The sign-up form

This type of form is used for customer acquisition and should contain as few fields as possible (see below our tips on best practices) to maximize conversion.

Pre-requisites for sign-up forms
  • If you are using both Marketing Automation and Splio Mobile Wallets, Marketing Automation needs to be the master database for the attribution of the client ID displayed on the pass

  • If you are using Splio Mobile Wallets without Marketing Automation, then it needs to be possible to create users by API in the master database (Read more about signup forms in the technical user guide)

In the example, you can see the fields a new customer would have to fill in, to add their Pass to their mobile. 

Forms best practices

Please follow the guidelines below for your form to be as effective as possible.

  • Keeping the mandatory fields to the minimum needed to maximize conversion - less = better!

  • You can enrich later on the data, for example, by incentivizing users to provide their date of birth to get a gift!

  • Use a sub-label (sentence in grey in the first image) to explain the reason and when you will use their data.

  • Use "helpers" to share any longer explanations (in the second image)

  • Use a disclaimer (sentence in grey in the third image) to open a pop-up and link your full T&Cs which can be accessed and hosted directly on your website so there is no further need to update this page if you change them in the future.