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This guide outlines the main concepts and vocabulary that can be useful in understanding how Mobile Wallets work.

Active marketing channels

There are three active marketing channels for Mobile Wallets: Push, SMS, and Email. The number shown in Insights > Dashboard displays the % of opt-in users to receive email, SMS and/or push notifications. You can read more on the Dashboard here.


An audience is a group of users who can be used in campaigns (updates or notifications) or for analysis purposes.


All data in Splio Mobile Wallets can be synchronized with your systems. We have developed data connectors and workers to synchronize data within the different modules of Splio Mobile Wallets and your central systems. You can find more information on data synchronization here.

Custom data fields

Custom data can be used to extend the existing data model. 

Distribution strategy

The distribution of the Pass is one of the main steps to make your project successful. For more details on the distribution strategy, you can refer to our detailed guide.

Dynamic query 

Is an option available when creating an audience and should be used when you wish to group users based on data you have on them. This can be from fields that either present in their Passes but also on any type of data relevant to the audience creation. You can find more information on audience creation here.


We distinguish two types of forms: sign in and sign up. Each type will be used in different use cases and should be used as part of the overall distribution strategy to either (sign in) identify existing users to generate the pass with pre-filled details or (sign up) create new users to be able to then generate the Pass using the details filled in.

Geofenced Messages

Are displayed on the user's screen when coming into the radius set in the Locations menu. For users to see this type of notification, they will need to have this enabled in the Pass settings and also at the user device level. For more details on geofenced messages, refer to the full article.


Are the stores which have been set up on the platform. Their latitude and longitude are necessary so that geofenced messages can be shown to users who come near a store. 


Are customized messages that you can use to reach users and raise brand awareness. They are set up by selecting a channel, a sending date, an audience, and an associated project. You can find more details in our full guide.


Is a tenant of Splio Mobile Wallets dedicated to your users (and locations) Database. Each user (or location) must be uniquely identified inside this tenant through an externalId (More technical info).


A project is a use case in a language (possibly for a specific country) for your Passes. An organization can have several projects such as a project for tickets and one for a loyalty card. 1 user in a given organization can have only 1 Pass linked to a given project. If the same Pass is stored in several devices we refer to them as Pass Registrations.


The referrers are the sources where the users have downloaded the Pass from (distribution). It can range from email, website, QR code, Wifi, SMS, etc. You can find more information on distribution here.

Strip image

Is the image which can be displayed at the front of the Pass and can be changed from time to time via the updates campaigns. You can find more information on the Pass design and content here.

Automated notifications

Automated notifications can only be managed by admins and allow you to automate certain types of actions point expirations or birthday campaigns. If you wish to set up automated notifications, get in touch with your contact at Splio.


Is the static content of the Pass that will be temporarily changed (time duration can be set) and can be set for example during a sales campaign, a seasonal promotion etc.


Links provided by Splio Mobile Wallets to distribute your Pass. They are the key to the distribution of a project.


Total of users known by Splio Mobile Wallets. Different from the Passes which are the number of passes that have been downloaded by users.