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The Splio Mobile Wallets data model defines how data will be used, in the distribution URLs, displayed on the Pass, or for targeting. As you can imagine, knowing the data that will be needed, at least for the first version of your Pass, will be very helpful in the setup process.

To define which data will be useful for your Passes, we recommend that you think about:

  1. The unique identifier (ID) for your users, needs to be stable over time. This ID needs to be known by all of your systems that will be involved in the distribution process (mainly website and marketing automation), as well as for data synchronization.

  2. The service provided to your end users: what should be displayed on the pass (like the barcode), or condition its display (color or blocks depending on status).

  3. The useful data for animation and analysis: to display (points, coupons...), to personalize messages or to create an audience for targeting (like a favorite store) or analysis (RFM segmentation).

Splio Mobile Wallets Data Model includes two types of fields: