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Creating a campaign

Create your campaigns from the Campaign Plan menu

👉 by clicking directly on the Create Campaign button in the weekly calendar view,

👉 or from the monthly view, by clicking on the + icon that appears in the top right-hand corner when hovering over a day of the month.

Defining the key parameters of your campaign

You can start defining the key parameters of your campaign.


Give your campaign a name

The name you give to your campaign will be included in the name of the export file.
Other information can also be added depending on how you configure your account.

Set up as an Evergreen Campaign (optional)

You can activate the Evergreen button if you wish to create a recurring campaign.

If you want to learn more about Evergreen, you can read this guide.


Set the sending date

The date entered corresponds to the day you clicked on your calendar. You can change it using the calendar.


Select your channel

Select the distribution channel used for your campaign.

An icon will appear next to your campaign to show which channel you used (@ for email, Facebook logo, etc.)
Depending on your export configuration, it will also be used to send your campaign to the appropriate system.