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Embark on a whole new experience!


Splio Marketing Automation allows you to engage your customers and increase sales by automating specific processes. In an era in which the digital ecosystem is increasingly fragmented, capturing the attention of overstimulated customers is a significant challenge. It is therefore essential to personalize and optimize touchpoints.


We are improving our platform to support you towards this goal!

  • Engage your customers with personalized messages using tools designed to enrich your database, new options to customize your communications and unlimited scripting capabilities.

  • Enjoy a simple and efficient experience with tools that boost productivity and a streamlined interface to enhance the overall user experience.

  • Organize your communication by minimizing multichannel sales pressure to protect your database while maintaining customer engagement.

  • Unleash your creativity with the new AI-powered Designer, an endless source of inspiration.


Additional new features will follow in the coming weeks to meet other objectives:

  • Manage and optimize ROI thanks to a new dashboard that helps you monitor the performance of your campaigns and calculate omnichannel revenue (physical stores and e-commerce)!

Feedback from one of our customers:

So easy to use that you want to develop your CRM strategy- Speed Burger

When will it be accessible?

The deployment of this new experience will be gradual.

Clients who, based on various technical criteria will be considered eligible, will receive a notification.

Without waiting to be notified, you can join the waiting list now by filling in this form to be migrated as soon as possible and thus benefit from this New Experience. You will also be able to indicate whether you would like this improvement not to become operational before a certain date.

During the migration, existing automated campaigns will be retained (except for drafts of an existing campaign), along with access to pre-existing campaign statistics, but you will no longer be able to edit them. Therefore, it will be necessary to create new campaigns by using the New Experience.

Existing custom exports will no longer receive updates. It will then be possible to create new ones autonomously using the automatic exports.


Trying it means not being able to do without it.

An innovative and well-designed experience that has already impressed the first customers who had the chance to test it.

To ensure that customers become used to it over time and that data is transferred securely, the migration is irreversible.

What features are being integrated?

We are confident in the advantages of this New Experience and thus decided to make it accessible to eligible customers. Among the new features already available:

  • Marketing pressure management to limit the number of requests received through each channel daily/weekly/monthly.

  • Forms creation and customization to collect data on current and potential customers.

  • Simplified conditions module to customize your designs flexibly and precisely based on your database.

  • Identification of the optimal time to communicate through a new calendar view.

  • Standardized experience for all automated campaigns.

  • Automatic backup of your current work with the saving of all versions.

  • Translation into all languages ​​directly within the Designer using an integrated AI assistant.

  • A new dashboard to assess the impact of your CRM actions on your online and in-store sales.


However, it is important to note that some features currently available in the interface have not yet been integrated into the New Experience. They will be available soon:

  • HTML integration in Designer

  • Specific campaigns: split targeting, sending speed, reminders, A/B testing

  • Shared blocks and saved content

  • The operation code, which is to be replaced by a tag feature

  • The heatmap in the campaign results

  • The sales tracker, which will be replaced by an attribution model that includes in-store sales

  • Temporary files

  • The ROI population will no longer be available


And finally, what will be integrated in the upcoming months:

  • Coupons​

  • The Loyalty module

  • The double opt-in