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What is an inactive contact?

Over time, your contacts start becoming inactive. An inactive contact is a user who is no longer opening or clicking your emails for 6 months.

Based on the reactivation's outcome, your contacts can be classified as follows:

  • super-actives: openers, clickers and purchasers within 0-3 month date range

  • actives: openers and clickers within 0-6 month date range

  • asleep: purchasers without opening | clicking reactions within 0-3 month date range

  • inactive: recipients who have not been opening or clicking within 0-6 month date range

  • almost dead: recipients who have not been opening nor clicking within 0-9 month date range | recipients who last purchased over 6 months ago without opening nor clicking

  • dead: no openers, no clickers and no purchasers over 9 months

In terms of deliverability, it is extremely important to focus continuously on active contacts and new subscribers as your main population for your recurring sending.

Once the reputation curve is strong enough, at least 3 months from the first sending, you can start including a reactivation campaign within your marketing strategy.

When you are about to launch any reactivation campaign, it is important to bear in mind the below guidelines as best practice:

  • enabling your reactivation scenario after you've launched the recurring campaign to openers and newly subscribed;

  • ensuring that you are contacting your customers with an appealing subject line as last call, (for example: offering a coupon for a new purchase, sharing the added value of being part of the brand, presenting the new products or including a limited time discount);

  • limiting the sending speed (see submission speed option in the campaign scenario);

  • inserting a "category" during campaign setup, as it may be useful for future filters and follow-up messages;

  • be aware that on average 3% of your inactive cluster can be reactivated successfully. If, after a second sending, the contacts do not react (open or click), you shall put them ''in quarantine'' and focus on the reactive contacts and newly subscribers only;

  • stay focused on the quality, not quantity as it's harmful to your sender reputation and Splio global deliverability

Based on the above, three types of inactive reactivation scenarios are advised: