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Google Pay y Google Wallet

25 de octobre de 2021


Google, durante el Google I/O 2022, anunció el lanzamiento de Google Wallet con su próxima actualización de Android. Está activo desde el 21 de julio de 2022 .

Google Pay es una aplicación de pago instalada de forma predeterminada en la mayoría de los dispositivos Android. Utiliza la tecnología NFC para permitir el pago con un teléfono inteligente, mediante una tarjeta digital. También se utiliza para desmaterializar tarjetas de fidelidad, entradas para eventos y abonos de transporte.

Splio Mobile Wallets utiliza Google Pay, junto con Apple Wallet, para integrar los “Pases” en los móviles de tus clientes y convertirlos en un nuevo punto de contacto digital, sin necesidad de instalar una app. Para saber más sobre este tema, lea nuestra guía de introducción.

Con la última actualización de Android , Google ha rebautizado Google Pay como Google Wallet , dándole un alcance funcional más amplio : digitalizar todos los elementos contenidos en la billetera del cliente. Además de las tarjetas de eventos y de embarque y las tarjetas de fidelización, Google Wallet permite a los usuarios incluir sus pases de vacunas, las llaves del coche e incluso sus documentos oficiales .

¡Mira el vídeo oficial que presenta sus principales características!


Podemos esperar una adopción más amplia de Wallets por parte de los usuarios de Android a largo plazo, por dos razones:

  • Dado que se pueden agregar más tipos de tarjetas y pases a Google Wallet, impulsará a más personas a usar la aplicación.

  • Al dejar de llamarse Google Pay, evitará la confusión con una app de pagos. Por ejemplo, los usuarios que se mostraban reacios a utilizar sistemas de pago por teléfono ahora pueden utilizar Google Wallet para otros fines.

Notification summary & Focus

These are two main new features that will give users more options to manage their notifications. It will be difficult to assess their adoption rate, but it will for sure affect the Time to Read for users enabling them.

Notification summary

Quick catch-up with a helpful collection of notifications delivered daily, based on a schedule that users can set. The summary is intelligently ordered by priority, with the most relevant notifications at the top.

When this feature is enabled in the settings, users can choose from their apps (with allowed notifications) the one they want in the summary. However, there is an option in the settings to enable Time-Sensitive Notifications for Apple Wallet.

Note that the display of geofenced messages is not impacted by the notification summary feature. Take a look at the first image.


Focus will only allow the notifications a user wants. Users can pick from a list of suggested Focus options, such as Driving, or create their own to customize the apps from which they wish to receive notifications. Take a look at the second image.

Expired passes

Users now have a dedicated list of expired passes, so your old boarding passes or museum tickets will no longer stay in the main list.

As a consequence, it will improve loyalty cards visibility. The expired passes list is accessible from the bottom of the main list. 

This feature was already available on Google Wallet.

Multi-passes download in Safari

It was already possible to add many passes with one tap in an app. This feature has now become also available on the web through Safari.

This feature involves a technically advanced integration within your website (not only a regular URL). Check with your contact at Splio for more information.

ID cards and keys

We already knew that Apple was working on the ability to add your identity card or driver’s license. Adding these documents to your Apple Wallet is now allowed in some US states.

Apple is also extending the keys feature, to let users unlock their house, hotel room, and even their workplace with their iPhone.

The main takeaway here is that Apple Wallet is becoming a cornerstone app of users' mobile.

SMART Health cards (coming soon to Wallet)

Users can already upload and store official health records (including COVID-19 vaccinations) into the Health App, which allows users to share their records with approved third-party requesters. With iOS 15.1, the Health app will let users add their COVID-19 vaccination card to their Wallet. Apple warrants to strictly protect the privacy of all their data.

This is a step further towards the adoption of Apple Wallet worldwide.

For more information on iOS 15, and more precisely on the impact of Apple Mail Privacy Protection and Hide my email, you can read this guide.